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Dekorativt stengods, kanna och vaser, med vacker blå glasyr från serien Nordlys (North Light) designad av Maria Philippi för Søholm Ceramics. Namnet North Light kommer från glaseringen, när lamporna träffar den blanka glasyren gör reflektionerna ränder som refererar till norrljuset.


Liten kanna: 12 cm

Stor kanna: 25 cm

Liten vas: 16 cm

Stor vas: 20,5 cm

Flaska: 22 cm

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NORDLYS av Maria Philippi

55,00 €Pris
  • Søholm Keramik was founded in 1835 on the Danish island Bornholm, which is famous for its pottery and fine ceramics. There have been over 200 manufacturers of Ceramics and Terracotta on site. The common factor for these manufacturers was that they all used the yellow clay found on the island. Most of them are and remain unknown, but some of them have achieved success. Among them can be mentioned Michael Andersen & Son and Søholm Keramik, both popular collector items today.

    Søholm or Søholm Stentøj (Soholm Stoneware) was one of the oldest ceramic factories on Bornholm, until its closure in 1996. The name, Søholm, originated from the factory where the two founders formerly were employed, a faience factory near Copenhagen. In the mid-20th century, Søholm produced a huge range of stoneware with different designs and shapes. Some of these pieces designed by the Danish ceramic artist Einar Johansenare highly sought after today among collectors.

  • Maria Philippi (1927-2004) was a German pottery artist known for her studio work as well as for her designs for the Danish pottery Søholm. There where she worked as a designer for a brief period in the early 1960s. Her models were so popular that they went on being produced well into the 1970s. Her stoneware designs feature deep blue shiny glazes on handmade graphic decorations.

    One of the most beautiful, and best known designs by Maria is “Nordlys” (Northern Lights). The name North Light comes from the glazing, when the lights hit the glossy glaze the reflections make stripes which refers to the north light.

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